
After payment verification, it takes up to 24 hours to process and ship your order. This time is different for weekends and holidays. Purchases made after 1 pm EST will not be shipped out until the next business day. An order after 1 pm EST on a Friday will likely be shipped out on the next Monday. Please refer to the chart below for rates/times.

Standard shipping to all Countries: 7-10 Days
This can be longer depending on individualized customs procedures for different countries
Express shipping to all Countries: 4-6 Days

Duties and taxes are not included in the product's price. This is the customer's responsibility. Please verify your taxes and import costs for your country. To release your order from customs, payment of these fees is required. 

Size Guide

We worked with our customers to determine the best face sizes for both men and women. We went with a larger than average face size to give the Teleio watches a bold yet clean look.